Article Spinning vs. Original Content: Pros and Cons

The world of content creation is ever-evolving. With the rise of SEO, methods like article spinning have gained traction.

But is it truly a match for original content?

Let’s delve deeper.

What is Article Spinning?

At its core, article spinning involves using software to rephrase or reorder existing content. This technique often aids in avoiding duplicate content issues. These spinning algorithms transform the original text into something seemingly new.

The Appeal of Spun Articles

Why Spin Articles?

Quick Content
Spinning software makes many articles fast.

Avoid SEO Penalties
Good spun content can dodge duplicate flags from search engines, at least for a while.

Save Money
Spinning can be cheaper than paying writers.

The Value of Original Content

Original content is unique and speaks to your audience. It carries weight.

  • Builds Trust: Real articles make readers believe in you.
  • Engages Readers: Unique words keep people on your page.
  • Boosts SEO: Sites like Google reward fresh content.

Problems with Spinning

While spinning offers certain benefits, the cons might outweigh the pros.

  • Quality: Spun articles might sound weird.
  • Ethics: Is spun content misleading? Some think so.
  • SEO Risks: If Google finds out, they might push your site down.
  • Trust Issues: Sharp readers spot spun content. They might leave.

AI in Spinning

Modern article spinning tools integrate AI and NLP. These features promise better quality spun articles. However, AI-spun content still lacks the genuine touch of human-crafted content.

Content should be genuine. Yet, more tools make content fast and cheap. But is it real?

How Spinning Works

Spinning algorithms change words. “Apple pie is delicious” becomes “apple tart tastes great.” But machines miss things. The new sentence may not always make sense.

Read how Google views content quality.

Some more twitter discussions about Duplicate Content

Manual Rewriting

Not all spinning is automatic. Some rewrite by hand. It’s halfway between spinning and real content. It might be better, but it has its own problems.

Problems with Manual Rewriting

Manual rewriting, though done by humans, isn’t without its issues:

Time Consuming
It often takes longer than automated spinning, as the rewriter has to ensure quality and context.

Not Truly Original
Even if rewritten, the content may still mirror the source. This can lead to accusations of plagiarism if not done carefully.

Loss of Original Nuance
The rewriter might unintentionally alter the tone or miss out on subtle points from the original content.

Consistency Issues
Multiple rewriters can lead to varied styles and tones within the same content, leading to a lack of coherence.

While automated spinning tools can be a one-time purchase or subscription, manual rewriting often requires paying writers for their time, potentially making it more expensive in the long run.

In essence, while manual rewriting offers a more human touch than automated spinning, it isn’t a foolproof method and presents its own set of challenges.

Which is Best?

Fast, cheap content is tempting. But there are risks. Original content takes time but has many rewards.

Rewards of Original Content

Choosing to invest time and resources in producing genuine, original content offers several invaluable benefits:

Building Trust
Readers and customers can discern original content from spun or duplicated material. Genuine content establishes trust and credibility with the audience.

Improved SEO
Search engines prioritize high-quality, original content. Unique content is more likely to rank higher on search engine result pages, driving organic traffic.

Authority and Thought Leadership
Original content positions brands or individuals as thought leaders in their respective industries. Over time, this authority attracts loyal readership and customer base.

Well-researched and authentic content resonates more with readers, leading to better engagement metrics, like comments, shares, and time spent on the page.

Reduced Penalties
Search engines, especially Google, can penalize duplicate content. Avoiding penalties ensures steady and organic growth in website traffic.

Brand Identity
Original content helps in shaping and reinforcing a brand’s voice, identity, and values, making it distinct in the market.

Long-Term Value
Unlike quickly outdated spun content, real content remains relevant for a longer duration, continually drawing in readers and potential customers.

In essence, while there’s a temptation to produce content quickly, the long-term rewards of focusing on quality over quantity cannot be understated. Real content is a worthy investment, building trust, enhancing SEO, and setting your brand apart as an industry leader.


What’s article spinning?

It’s a method of rephrasing existing content to appear as new.

Are there tools for article spinning?

Yes, many software options, including some powered by AI.

How does spun content impact SEO?

Initially, it might improve rankings, but detection can lead to penalties.

Is original content better than spun?

For authenticity, trust, and long-term SEO, original content typically reigns supreme.

Why do people use spinning tools?

For quick, cost-effective content and SEO benefits.

How to detect spun content?

Inconsistencies in tone, unusual phrasing, or irrelevant details can be tell-tale signs.

Can AI produce authentic content?

While AI can generate content, it lacks human nuances and emotional connection.

Does article spinning save money?

Short-term, yes. But potential SEO penalties and credibility loss might prove costly in the long run.

How do search engines view spun content?

They prioritize original content. Spun content risks penalties if detected.

Is it ethical to spin articles?

It’s debatable. Many believe it breaches content authenticity principles.


While article spinning offers a shortcut to content creation, original content remains unparalleled in value.
For long-term success and genuine engagement, investing in original content is the way forward.


  1. Duplicate Content’s Impact on SEO
  2. Google’s Perspective on Content Authenticity
  3. The Rise of AI in Content Creation
  4. Ethics in Digital Content Creation
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Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering and is a passionate digital marketing enthusiast. His expertise is further solidified with certifications as a Joomla and WordPress Developer. Abhilash's entrepreneurial spirit shines as the Founder and CEO of Infyways. His insights and achievements have been highlighted in publications, including a feature in Deccan Chronicle. Connect with Abhilash on Twitter or LinkedIn to delve deeper into his professional journey.

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